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Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote :A great chance that it isnt gonna be released for us.

Even if designed by someone else the devs would have to play their part in allowing its inclusion inside LFS. I don't think Scawen would agree to any deal which didn't broadly affect LFS in a positive way... a little booth at a track somewhere (temporary or permanent) isn't advertising LFS properly if it isn't going to be a part of the game (I guess you could advertise the physics aspect of the cars but it would be misleading if there were no laser scanned tracks in the actual product). It's more likely there's been a deal struck where the track was offered to the devs in return for allowing LFS to be used in the setup there, and since people will be paying to use it, the cost of the track will be paid off and will allow some profit to be made over time. A win win scenario for all.

That's my new theory anyway, which I'm sticking to until the next actual piece of evidence comes through!
Last edited by Electrik Kar, .
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Yeah thanks Jordon, you've atleast managed to put things into a bit better perspective.

It's turned out to be a fairly interesting day in LFS land!
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
A real track + laser scanned would signify a rather large break with the older S1/S2 tracks so I'd agree that if it actually exists, should be reserved for S3. This would depend on how much the devs intend to utilise laser scanning/real tracks in the future though, maybe it's just a one off.

I too agree- pics or it didn't happen
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote from Kristi :I have real source of that its true. So its TRUE

Like your 'video'? Stop being silly and clouding things by making stuff up.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote :I don't recall anyone saying the devs were present at this rig.

Ahh, you're right. But where'd the money go? I'm unsure of the story here, was it some kind of expo? Should mean that other people got to see the new track as well?

Any better pics? Heh.

edit: "but it sounds like a new track being used at a legit sim rig at the trackside facilities" ...
Last edited by Electrik Kar, .
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
My money's on this latest 'leak' being a fake. It's certainly easy enough to stick a track layout over a screen graphic of something that doesn't actually show anything and take a bigfoot styled picture. If these guys wanted to show evidence of a new track almost any picture would be better than the one supplied. The story sounds weird too- would Scawen really charge 2 pound for ten minutes for showing off a new track?

But I'll be happy to be wrong.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Why didn't he just use the force on the Tesco guys?

Oh right, because he isn't a real Jedi.

What a waste of time...
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Sort of on topic.. but yesterday I was reading about the worlds tallest man and somewhere along the line came across these images.

Supposedly used as evidence against evolution... here they are talking about Goliath, the most famous of giants. He was anywhere between 6 and a half feet and (in this image) over 10 feet tall (apparently he gets taller as you move forward through the historical descriptions (David also gets younger gotta love tall tales).

But check out the guy on the far right! 25 feet six inches! That's one tall dude

Regarding the giant femur in the top image, I've read that it's actually the femur of a pygmy elephant or something, or could possibly be altogether fake (edit: actually the article text says it's a replica). But it got me thinking about giant people, I mean the idea is pretty cool actually.

I just think that bottom image should be amended a bit, because those 4 or so guys on the right are really stretching credibility.
Last edited by Electrik Kar, .
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Arnold Dreyblatt - Lapse
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote :Most old, much loved, groundbreaking games are only deemed 'better' because they were so original and groundbreaking...

...Another example I like to use is Pac-Man, one of the best loved and successful games ever. I defy anyone to play Pac Man these days for two hours and still be enjoying it at the end of those two hours.

Gameplay aside, you could use Pacman as an example of how games have always spawned unoriginal sequels. Check out the list below...

Quote :
Arcade[edit] Pinball
  • Mr. & Mrs. Pac-Man (1982) - unauthorized title created by Bally Midway
  • Baby Pac-Man (1982) - video game/pinball hybrid; unauthorized title created by Bally Midway
[edit] Console[edit] Mobile phone
  • Pac-Man Crisis (2002)
  • Ms. Pac-Man for Prizes (2004)
  • Pac-Man Casino Card Games Pack (2004)
  • Pac-Man Casino Slots Pack (2004)
  • Pac-Match! (2004)
  • Pac-Man Puzzle (2004)
  • Pac-Man Pinball (2004)
  • Pac-Man Bowling (2004)
  • Pac-Man's Arcade Corner (2005)
  • Pac-Man Pinball 2 (2008)
  • Pac-Man Hold'em Poker (2008)

This has been going on as long as I've been playing games, so it always strikes me as odd when people bring up sequels as a reason why modern games are so bad. Have they forgotten?
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote :I'd love you to make a realistic track. Not many have managed it, even with large budgets and 'laser scanning'.

Why did you put the inverted commas in laser scanning? They should be in 'realistic'. What are you comparing in order to determine the realism of a simulated race track? The way it looks? Arguably fairly unimportant. The way it feels to drive? You need a simulated race car and simulated physics for that test- the track itself is just one component. Or the way it's measured and scaled against its real life reference?

If you drop the way the track looks, the way it feels (will most likely be different from sim to sim) and if we could set aside for the moment variations in surface grip (very important but largely dynamic) then that leaves a simulated track as basically a topological field of data. The reference track is also a topological field, as well as many other things, but put simply if you want to recreate that field then I don't see how laser scanning wouldn't be the best tool for the job? It's a question of resolution, and I've never heard of any track being measured at centimetre resolution with GPS, but it is possible with laser scanning. How then can GPS be more realistic?
Last edited by Electrik Kar, .
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Miles Davis - Porgy and Bess
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
I prefered the graphics of the original Flatout to those of Flatout 2 (huge bloom fest).

There's no reason that the graphics of yesterday should be better than those of today, but an integral indredient of good graphics is good art direction. You could have the most sophisticated gfx engine on the planet and still make a huge mess.

At the moment, a lot of bad choices seem to be made in post process effects such as motion blur and hideous amounts of bloom, but I'm sure we'll leave that 'phase' behind soon. We're about to get into some really nice stuff with the 'new' advanced tessellation features of DirectX 11 which will allow true displacement mapped geometry at very reasonable frame rates (looks set to replace the parallax mapped/normal mapped textures in current games). No studio will want to cover that up with smeary effects and bad lighting.
Last edited by Electrik Kar, .
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
My first 'portable' was actually the only one I'd ever had, the old Commodore SX 64. I knew people who had computers- mostly C64s, but I didn't know anyone who owned an SX.

Just looking at the photograph here brings a surge of nostalgia... the tiny yet sharp screen, the clunky and springy drive latch and the funny little door you opened on the right to adjust brightness and volume levels, the way the hole in the top used to get really dusty down the back, clipping the keyboard onto the top when you needed to transport it (summer holidays in Paynesville).


Last edited by Electrik Kar, .
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Those places are classified now.

Don't ask me what it's all about. I'm not allowed to tell...

Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote :Additionally they all got newer sounds, so they sound better as well.

Yeah, the sounds used to be very offputting... for me anyway, but the Formula 1600 atleast sounds really nice now. PS, what's a good time (i mean, decent enough for a total noob) at Crema in the F1600?

PSS, has anyone had a go at re-texturing tracks? I just dipped into the textures folder for Crema and there are a lot of pretty low res textures in there. There's no way I'll have any time for that stuff for a while, but if there are any decent mods around I'd be interested in having a look.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Is the demo car a little bit less destructible now? Sounds are very much improved- the brake/skid sounds seem much more informative, but I'm unable to say how this is different from the last version. Physics also feel more solid. Braking/sliding... the car has a totally natural feel which surpasses every other sim I've tried (including the iRacing 'demo'). I'm no physics nut so I'm only able to go on feel, but it feels good.

Moose, those couple of videos look like a hoot.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Or as Picasso said - "Art is the lie that tells the truth" Smile
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
from Wiki-

"Star Trek: The Original Series addressed issues of the 1960s,[3] just as later spin-offs have reflected issues of their respective decades. Issues depicted in the various series include war and peace, the value of personal loyalty, authoritarianism, imperialism, class warfare, economics, racism, religion, human rights, sexism and feminism, and the role of technology.[4] Roddenberry stated: "[By creating] a new world with new rules, I could make statements about sex, religion, Vietnam, politics, and intercontinental missiles. Indeed, we did make them on Star Trek: we were sending messages and fortunately they all got by the network."

Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
I grabbed the latest build, thinking I was going to get the Abarth, but looks like I'm stuck with the one car and two demo tracks for now. Anyway, things have really improved since I last downloaded the demo, so much so that I'll be looking to buy the full game once I've got some time off.
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote :Fiction full stop is pointless. Why do people have to read a book about fiction?

I think you've got a pretty strange idea about what's going on (or not) in someone's head when they read a book. Even the most factual account of an event is necessarily going to have an element of fiction in it, by virtue of the fact that once transcribed via the medium of words, it's not the actual event anymore, it's something very different- it's a facsimile, a distortion. Likewise a video tape of an event is a totally different thing from the event itself- and you (sitting on your couch) will experience it in a different way than the people experiencing said event on tape. You're actually having an altogether different experience, totally new in fact. What you're actually doing is engaging with a fiction which is acting as a proxy for a real event.

Quote :Fiction, because it's not real means that each reader, reads the book differently, which means nobodies opinion on the book can ever be the same, because they imagined things differently.

Again, very strange.

You aren't going tell me that everyone reading a factual account of something is going to come away with the exact same thoughts on the event as the next person? I mean... there are 100 people in a room, and something happens... each one of those people will have a slightly different take on what just went down. That's within the first few seconds of an event occurring, experienced by people right there. Now take a book, an historical book about the holocaust, say. Can you really say you know what it was like to witness those events from reading a book? You weren't there. You don't know. You only have an idea of what it was like, however powerful or deeply felt that idea may be. Once again your experience of that event, is going to be a world away from the experience of the person who actually went through it.

You're getting a distortion, a fiction.
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Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Most stuff I read is sci-fi. I've usually thought that the genre has probably more to say about modern society than other genres. You only have to look at a book light Neuromancer or Snow Crash to see that one of the jobs of sci-fi is to shape culture- ie, that without this kind of literature we wouldn't be talking to each other right now in the way that we are. This is just one example.

Granted, I don't think I've ever shed a tear while reading a sci-fi book, but the ideas contained therein have had profound effects on me from time to time. And the best works always relate back or have something to say about the world that we're living in now.

PS, the world doesn't work without imagination. Thumbs up
Last edited by Electrik Kar, .
Electrik Kar
S2 licensed
Quote :So whilst I may be in my 30's, really I think i'm just starting out. I see the last few years as the start of my life, the stepping stone that I will use to form a new career as a software developer - something that had I not wasted my youth I should have done long ago as I was pretty much destined for this profession.

I feel kinda the same way Becky. It's a nice feeling (I suppose a lot of people are in a fairly tight rut by 30) coupled with a disappointed in myself for not thinking seriously or clearly about a career earlier. I envy anyone who knows what they want to do by the time they're 20 and then go for it. On the other hand I feel I'm right where I want to be, and I can look back on my younger years as a fairly interesting adventure.

Go for it Becky!